Saturday, 21 March 2015

PDF⋙ Dobro techniques for bluegrass and country music by Stephen F Toth

Dobro techniques for bluegrass and country music by Stephen F Toth

Dobro techniques for bluegrass and country music

Dobro techniques for bluegrass and country music by Stephen F Toth PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

(Guitar Method). Now available with a CD! This is the ultimate resource guide for any Dobro owner, collector or fan. It begins with the history of this unique guitar and then moves into teaching the techniques used in playing it. The entire book is illustrated with photos of popular players. A prior knowledge of music is not required since the book presents, in detail, the complete essentials for playing the Dobro. Tablature is used throughout and the CD features helpful accompaniments. Using the techniques taught here, almost any song can be played Dobro-style!

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