As I Said (Visible Poets) by Lev Loseff
As I Said (Visible Poets) by Lev Loseff PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
These poems are written from across Lev Loseff's life, contemplating his native Russia from both a literal and a figurative distance, while at the same time casting a sometimes jaundiced eye on the alien culture of America in which he spent the final years of his life. Loseff's poetry excels in complex imagery, rich literary allusion, and is abundant in formal experiment. Whether absorbed by the world of literature (particularly his fellow poets) or relating real-life experiences, Loseff conjures up a restless and frequently disturbing universe in this unusual collection. "His poetry is full of intellectual high-wire acts. Every poem is like a circus turn, under the big top and without a net. In poetry like this there is nothing either natural or unnatural, but only past-mastery." Alexandr GenisFrom reader reviews:
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